Monday, March 12, 2012

The Frustrations of Quilting

     I've told my students over the years that the fabric is out to get me and this past two weeks has proven my point.  Well, not just the fabric but my mindless pursuit of my hobby.
     I started both of the quilts I posted a coule weeks ago, the red ones.  The one with the stars is coming along nicely.  Everything is falling into place just as it should.  The other one, however, Tree Everlasting, is a different kettle of fish.
     I was determined to make these two quilts perfect.  I drew every cutting line and marked every seam line.  The sewing went perfectly.   I completed the first row of 25 half square triangles, added the plain strip and then went to add the second row of half square triangles.  Guess what?  The second row took 26 half square triangles.  Okay.  I fixed that.  Then I began sewing more half square triangles.
      My sewing machine is set up so that the needle rests to the left of center and I have to select the stitch I want to use.  I keep forgetting this and after sewing about 50 half square triangles I noticed that the seam line was set left of center.  So I had to go back. rip out every one of the squares and resew them.
     I decided I needed a break from this so I went back to finish a Pinwheel I had started a couple of years ago.  Don't you know I did the exact same thing again, twice.  So instead of making progress on these quilts I've spent most of my time ripping seams and resewing them.  
     I'm not giving up.   I only have five more rows or 21 blocks to finish this quilt, and I am going to finish it.
      I think I mentioned that I cut leftover pieces into triangles that will measure 2".  I have a whole box full of these and I chose to try to use up all these scraps  As I'm nearing the end of the quilt, I noticed that it makes a great history of fabric.  The fabrics range from the 1970's through last year.  Unfortunately, I haven't made a very big dent in the box.  I've already finished two tops using this stash, and  I have two others in various stages of finishing.  I'm also trying to design a medallion to use up even more.  Maybe someday I'll use them all.

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